Posts tagged Focus

Recently my bro Mason ( @premo on instagram ) and I made this video for his IGTV. The premise is that if you stick to one thing for an entire year, go all in with everything you’ve got, and don’t try to accomplish multiple things, you will succeed! This means that if its your side hustle, you are still putting in at least 20 hours a week. If you are doing it full time, you are putting in at least 50-60 hours a week!

For me, I have worked for myself full time now for 4 years, and I work roughly 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week, along with about 5-7 hours on Saturdays. Before this year, I was not focused on one thing. I own a media business called Made Custom Media, traveling over 3.5 months filming and shooting photography for brands in 2020 alone! I own a custom candle company called Made Candles: in 2020 I made over 3500 custom candles, most of which were in September - November. And lastly I own All American Maker which prior to 2020, was mostly a podcast that only had a few episodes uploaded.

After creating this video, Mason encouraged me to do this very thing, focus on one thing. Have all of my businesses fall under All American Maker. Truthfully it makes total sense. 80% of the media I had worked on was for makers and brands producing products. And it made total sense to not pigeonhole myself which the candles, and offer all of the wax based products that I have the ability to make through AAM.

This year I am devoting all of my resourced to AAM, and seeing it succeed more than any of my endeavors before. The mission of AAM is 100% to be a resource to makers. Offering custom products and services specifically engineered to serve the maker community!

My encouragement to all of you, is find that one business, maybe even that one product that brings you the most success, but also makes you come alive the most. For the thing that fills you with the most passion, will very well be the one thing that brings you the most success!

Some Products to Encourage & Equip You!