Well my friends, 2021 is coming to a close. Business wise, it is almost over for Christmas. For me this means two things; rest, and writing down my goals for 2022. These two elements are vital in the life of anyone who is ambitious or strives to go far in life. Sometimes life demands that we give it our all, put our nose to the grindstone, and push forward. Other times it gives us the opportunity to sleep, rest, and allow our bodies to recuperate from the grind. Rest is something I have been looking forward to!
Shoot for Adidas in Baltimore - February 2019
Resting, relaxation, and putting your physical and mental health first…for at least a while…is super important in the life of an entrepreneur or passionate individual. We so easily get caught up in the grind. We have a goal in mind, or a deal to clinch, and so easily push too far, forgo sleep, and push ourselves to the limits of what we can handle.
It is in those times of rest, quieting of the mind, and allowing myself simply to sit, when I get the greatest of my ideas, when a vision comes into focus, and when things seem to become clear for the path ahead. Pushing yourself will never get you to the next level, only get you through the day or accomplish a simple task. The greatest of achievements came, not out of a sleep depraved mind, but out of one centered, focused, and renewed after a time of calm after the storm.
Adventure with the Smith’s: July 2021
This summer, my wife and I went on one of our annual summer adventures! We traveled through 5 states in New England: Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. While we stayed in Portsmouth, NH, we jumped up to York to visit our friends Shane and Mandy Smith! We spent the day chatting and talking business, but the part I remember most, was spending time enjoying the beauty around us and the time together. Life is too short to grind, step on others, and forge ahead without thought for others.
To say that there is a formula for success would be to lie. I know for a fact that those who truly have succeeded in life, are the ones who bring others up along side them. Success comes by cutting a path to greatness for others to find.
December 2018: Youtubers weekend with Jeven Dovey and Levi Allen.
In my life, I have found that life gives us opportunities to rest, and do things that help us recharge! This video above is from a trip I took to Joshua Tree where we learned about Youtube, and how to grow a following. But out of it, I was able to forge friendships that have lasted till this day. I recharged and found renewed energy and focus for the next year out of just a 4 day trip!
Lastly, take the time to write down your goals. You can’t reach what you don’t aim for.